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Shaming the 'Fat-Shamer's'

"It's really not glandular, it's your gluttony...We object to the enormous amount of food resources you consume while  half ...

A 'Waited' Subject

18 April 2016

So I went out for a meal. An amazing meal in fact; and I mean seriously food-gasmic.
As you do.
It was the bank holiday so I decided to spend the day eating ....ohhh yeah I did:) But that isn't the point.
The point is what happened after my food-gasmic meal.

I go to pay; cos I'm just a sweetheart like that. And as I wait for the waiter to split the bill I'm breathing heavily.
Let me explain why.
I have terrible sinuses, I haven't been able to properly breathe through my nose for the last 10 years which means I'm a huge mouth breather. Seriously. People genuinely think I'm asleep because they hear me snoring and they look over and I'm just there with my eyes wide open 0_0 . Awake. But snoring. It's weird.
Annnyyyway... So I'm breathing heavily because like we've established I have terrible sinuses.
The waiter. The hero in this little tale. Decides that my heavy breathing is a problem. For him. 'The waiter' oh so helpfully with a smile on his stupid little face says to me;
"Maybe if you lost weight your breathing wouldn't be so bad"
And maybe if you wasn't so short your eyesight would be better. Yeah. Sounds stupid doesn't it.

That's because it is stupid. Firstly my breathing and my weight are completely unrelated. Secondly and most importantly who the hell did that rude little bastard think he was!?? What on earth made him feel he had the right to comment on my body at all. Let alone the size of it. I certainly didn't invite the comment. I certainly didn't appreciate it. And I most certainly didn't see a badge saying "Justice' doctor " pinned to his uniform.

Someone I know said to me that they envy bigger people because we have more confidence than skinny people. I'm calling bullshit. Not once has this girl had a random stranger come up to her while she is minding her own business and made a completely inappropriate personal comment about the size of her body. I can assure you it doesn't make me feel confident when it happens. The fact that she even made the comment  shows a complete lack of sensitivity and just how little she knows about the real world.

Now I share this fun little story, not to have a rant ( although it certainly helped) but to make people aware. Today in this judgemental age people feel very comfortable expressing their unwanted opinions about other people's bodies. And for some reason being fat or skinny makes people feel just that little bit ore comfortable saying it. because let me be very clear, this isn't just a blog bemoaning how hard it is being a fatty. Haven't you heard comments like...
"wow you're tiny"
"that can't be healthy"
"yeah well real women have curves..."
"she looks like a boy"
And one that personally I cant stand;
"She must be anorexic"
Because making light of a serious medical conditions is completely okay isn't it?

I find that people are either one or the other.
They either skinny shame or they fat shame.
They either berate the girl who's overweight for eating or the girl who is underweight for not eating. Both are completely unacceptable. The lack of confidence and feelings of low self-worth that accompanies  people's insensitive and uninvited comments about our bodies as women, are not something to be taken lightly or swept under the rug.

People laying claim to low self esteem in a effort to 'fit in' need to stop. People who know good and well they aren't fat but complain they are, all in an effort to have people assure them they aren't, need to stop. People who look at another persons body and use it as a way to compare and feel better about themselves need to stop. The fake 'we're the sae size aren't we?'. It needs to STOP!

As I sit here. Thinking about the friends I have. The new ones and the old. The bigger ones and the smaller ones. I can honestly and 100 percent say that none of them truly feels completely confident with their appearance. That is both sobering and sad. What will it really take for women to feel happy about themselves? To be feel comfortable in who they are as people?

To be perfectly frank I don't have a fucking clue. I genuinely don't. I don't have an answer that will fix everything. All I can say is the only way we will start to feel better about who we are as people is realising that were not actually supposed to be perfect. Ignore the people who say how we should dress and act. Ignore the articles that say what men/women like an how to become it. Ignore the 'role models' that take the faces they were born with as a light suggestion.

At the end of the day, it's going to be a work in progress, and idiots  like 'the waiter' don't help, but all you can do is give all the haters the middle finger and Just Be... Your Way xxx

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