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Shaming the 'Fat-Shamer's'

"It's really not glandular, it's your gluttony...We object to the enormous amount of food resources you consume while  half ...


19 November 2015

 I personally believe the gym is a torturous activity, sent by Hitler himself, to torment those that hate it with its ridiculous occupants and judgmental
Raise your hand if you’ve ever said you go to the gym and received that; ‘it doesn’t look like it’ grimace? Or arrived at the gym ready to vanquish that extra bit of weight you just DON’T want on your body, only to be greeted by the sound of the gym mating call? (Typically known by grunts, slapping of hands, pacing and just generally bringing way too much attention to oneself as possible)

So, maybe I’ve never claimed to like the gym, and maybe I've always chosen to go the route of just loving my body instead of changing it. But Guess what? It hasn't been bloody working!!

The time has arrived where to feel good about myself I’m going to have to lose the weight that is weighing me down.Not too say this will be easy. It most certainly will not. But i'm determined.
 Now I can approach the horrors facing me in one of two ways:

1.                          I either face the self-served sentence head on. March my ample ass up those steps and brazenly use that gym like I was born on that blooming treadmill. Or

2.                          (More realistically) start slow. Use my personal cross trainer and allow myself to feel slightly more confident. I then go and march in there like I’m perhaps distantly related to the broken rowing machine in the corner.

 I think personally I’d settled with ‘me’. I wear my weight so well, (and let’s face it. I really do! I’m a sexy slice of pie!!) I didn’t feel the need to address the slight but nagging issues I had with myself. 
Why change what’s not broken right?  I’d tell myself I couldn’t lose the weight because How can I preach body confidence if I’m not always body confident? The answer is simply this.

 Body confidence is not fixed. It is transient. It doesn’t mean I have to accept the things I don’t like, or ‘live with them’ it means feeling beautiful, feeling peace with yourself and your body and taking the necessary healthy steps to make that happen, whether those steps are physical or mental.

So wherever you are, and however you feel, just remember: Just be… Your way xx


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