With the holiday season upon us, we're all travelling. Going on holidays and to parties where public transport is necessary. Planes. Trains. Busses. Taxis. We need them all. Now you're wondering why I'm even bringing this up. Public transport brings to light a seemingly small but pertinent issue. Fat people. Fat People and public transport specifically.
You know what makes me laugh? Peoples reactions. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not denying that there are cases where severe obesity has caused an issue in public transport. However. for your everyday regular chubby chick or frumpy friend, using a bus or train really isn't a big deal.
I'm a size 22 and I don't drive so I rely heavily (haha heavily. get it?) on public transport. While my ass is most definitely large it certainly doesn't take up two seats on a plane or spill over onto my fellow passengers. But I do experience the sidelong glances or under-breath grumblings when I'm squeezing myself through the 6 inch gap to get off the bus or my arm brushes juuuuust slightly the person next to me (who I might add freaking chose to sit by me!!!!).
What I'd like to know is why? I could count on one hand the amount of people I know that can successfully squeeze themselves through a packed bus without touching anyone. But It's still seen as acceptable to roll your eyes at the fact my boobs brushed you on the way past.
Guess what sweetheart? I have big boobs! I can hardly get through any gap without them brushing something.
And that side-shuffle!! That shuffle someone does when you sit next to them and there isn't a clear foot of space between you both. My fat isn't going to infect you! I'm not going to suffocate you with the space I take up in air.
There will always be this sort of reaction with regards to public transport I guess the real question is; is it warranted?
Is it actually a reasonable concern for the general public to be worried about this issue? Should Airlines be forcing obese customers to be buying two seats? Or alternatively, should they provide larger chairs for their larger customers? Does this encourage obesity? Or are they simply catering to their customers? Is it fair for a severely overweight person to take up two chairs on a bus while someone who could potentially need it remains standing.
These questions could only be described as ethical issues. I personally don't know the answer. As a woman of the larger persuasion, would I rather have bigger chairs that don't cut off the circulation to one of my legs on an aeroplane? Yes. Do I expect it just because I would rather eat a burger than celery? No I don't.
All I can do is leave these questions for everyone to think about and would welcome any and all responses!!! So Enjoy your new year and Just Be...Your way xx
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