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Healing with Humor: The over-sized enthusiast

26 November 2015

Every now and again we experience one of those moments which are so shocking all you can do is that nervous-horrified laughter. Only thing is, its just not funny. Often times these moments come from the people closest to us.
 It's a well known fact that unfortunately friends and family feel they have the right to say hurtful offensive things often under the guise of 'helping' us, I couldn't tell you why they do, but I have tons of stories about people being 'helpful'. 
I've personally found humor to be a great way to remember things that have happened.
From time to time I'll break out one of my own personal experiences, if only to show you all that you're not alone. I'll call them 'Healing with humor'. Here is the first one.

Why. Just Why do ‘kindly’ relatives buy clothes for you 3 sizes too big. Then, when it (surprise surprise) doesn’t fit, they tell you;
“Well if it doesn’t fit now, you’ll just grow into it”
That statement is fine if you’re 8 and the likelihood is you’re going to put on a foot in height, grow boobs and suddenly find you have an ass. In that instance, you more than likely WILL grow into it.


When you’re 18 on the other hand, you stopped growing at 14, your boobs aren’t getting any bigger because they’re already big enough and you found that ass and a bit more you didn’t need; Being told you’ll “grow into it” is just insulting.

Like all my stories this actually happened.

So we have me. 18. Not growing any time soon (see above). And my not so kindly step-mother turns up with a present for yours truly. What can it be?! A lovely dress? As I take out this garishly shiny silver dress (why do people think….”oh she’s fat, let’s make this size dress in a disgusting fabric! She’ll love that!) I think… I’m hot. I’m sure I can pull this off; it was nice of her to get it for me, just be grateful. Etc., etc.
 I take a little look-see at the tag and see that it was in a size 26. This wouldn’t have been a problem at all. If I was a size 26, except I wasn’t I was a size 18. Admittedly my ass is 10 inches bigger than my boobs and 22 inches bigger than my waist (gloriously disproportioned I know!). But there is no way my ass at the time was a size 26. I freeze. And think: maybe she didn’t notice that it’s waaay too big and gingerly try it on.
 Obviously it just gaped everywhere. My boobs didn’t even touch the front of the dress (and the girls definitely aren’t small so that’s a feat in itself). I had so much extra fabric around my waist I could have been pregnant and you wouldn’t have noticed. And my ass, my very large ass, which normally announces itself in spectacular fashion in any item of clothing I wear, was nowhere to be seen.
I show my step mum the dress-that-ate-me and she just looks at it and says;

“It’s a little big, but you wouldn’t want it to cling to your fat anyway and you’ll grow into it”

LITTLE BIG??!! It’s EATING me woman!! CLING TO MY FAT?? Don’t look at my fat. My fat is none of your business! In fact go deal with your own fat! And guess what?? I STILL haven’t bloody grown into it!!

Whether someone is being intentionally rude (see story above), or literally just being an idiot don’t take it to heart. Don’t suddenly start to think. Wait. Do I look 3 sizes bigger than I am? What you think about yourself is the most important thing about what you look like. The most important thing is to be happy and content with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a size 8 or a size 28; don’t let anyone ever make you feel uncomfortable with the way you look. And if they do just tell them to go screw themselves and just be ..your way xxx

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