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Leave The Labels on the Clothes

25 February 2016

In latest news my lovely blog readers.
It turns out the 'plus size' model chosen as swimsuit rookie of the year for Sports Illustrated, has now been deemed 'too fat' by some of our ever-opinionated public.
I'm going to get straight to the point.
She is neither fat nor 'plus size'.
Now don't get me wrong Ashley Graham is freaking stunning. I would literally sell an ovary to have her body. But I assure you, without a shadow of a doubt, if I wore the swimsuit she's modelling I would not look like her.
I would look like....
Ever seen the Michelin man? Now picture him in a bikini.
Yeah. I'd look a bit like that.
I have cellulite and rolls and dimply skin. I don't have a flat stomach and a perfect hourglass figure.

And this is where I have the problem. I am plus size. I'm very plus size. She isn't. She's just normal.

So while Ashley Graham may be deemed 'plus size' by the modelling world, and this is only my humble opinion, a size 14 IS NOT PLUS SIZE.
And neither is a damn size 12. Why in gods great earth are women who are a perfectly healthy, normal weight being advertised towards with plus size clothes? Why is my tiny petite best friend able to buy clothes that are labelled as 'plus size'?
Now don't get me wrong this isn't about 'us fatties having something for ourselves' this is about the poor size 12 girl who is being told she's fat when she's not. And the size 28 girl who is looking at clothes on a size 14 'plus size model' but can't actually see what the clothes would look like on someone her own size.
The lovely Miss Graham has said in a interview that she doesn't feel a connection to the term 'plus size'; and she shouldn't, because there really isn't anything plus about her. Unless we're talking about her incredible genes. She definitely got an extra helping of those.

I guess what I'm trying to get across is how stupid labels are.

We let society tell us we fit in a certain mould. If you're not top-shop thin then you're plus sized. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being classified as plus sized. As long as you're healthy it doesn't actually matter what size trousers you wear. My problem stems from, if people are calling her fat, a perfectly normal looking woman then what the hell do they think of me? when I'm 3-4 sizes bigger. And while saying don't listen to what people say about you is all so easy to preach, its not actually that easy to follow.
Unfortunately the only advice I can give is to ignore it. If people are determined to label you a certain way, there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.
All I can say is  having an ounce of fat on your body doesn't make you plus size! Good grief!! It just makes you normal.
I can't see how telling people who aren't even overweight in the slightest, that they are categorised as plus size helps anyone.

This is like when men say they like 'curvy' women and you ask 'really? like what' and they name Jenifer Lopez. and all you can think is I look like I ate Jenifer Lopez and then mopped her up with a side of Niki Minaj and a had a tall glass of Beyoncé just to wash it all down with.

Trying to fit people into moulds they don't actually fit into doesn't work. Its stupid and its dumb and that's all I have to say about it.

Nobody has the right to make you fit into any label. Ever. Nobody can dictate where you fit, only you can choose where you belong in society. So just give them a big old screw you and Just Be...Your way xx

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