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A Momentary Lapse

5 May 2016

There are always moments.
They say life are made up of moments.
Confidence is made up of moments.
Whether those moments boost your confidence or destroy it; they're still moments.
I had one.
A moment.
A bad moment.
Someone I know cause it. Now this person isn't my friend. I don't choose to spend my free time with them but I know them all the same. And this person chose to; in that moment use her voice, not for something positive and meaningful and up building. She chose to use it to make a joke about my weight.
Now don't get me wrong this isn't the first time I've had jokes made about me, and we all know it wont be the last.
What bothers me so much about this moment is how much I actually let it get to me.
For one of MY moments I spent my precious time wondering. "does she always think this?" "Does she make jokes to other people?" " Do people join in on these jokes?" "Does everyone think this of me?" " Is everyone going around wondering how I'm going to fit between doors?"

It's only later I realised how stupid that was...
Why was I letting someone who I ignore the best of days get to me?
Why do we allow peoples insignificant opinions get to us?

Of course I can get through bloody doors! And even if I couldn't who gives a shit?
I guess today all I can say is don't let people steal your moments. Don't let stupid peoples opinions take up your time and effort. Don't let offensive rude things waste your time. There are a hell of allot of stupid people in the world. One of them is even running for president!

So take back your moments people!! And Just Be... Your Way xx

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