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Healing with Humor: The skinny 'fat' friend

10 December 2015

For all of my fuller figured friends I’m sure you know the horror of shopping with your girlfriend who thinks she’s fat but is actually as skinny as stick-insect on crack.

When they say; “Oh god! I have got to lose weight!” and you’re thinking, “Giiiiirl if you lose any more of that ass you’re going to be sitting directly on your spine”.

Her comments about her own appearance always leads us to the question; If she thinks she’s this ginormous monster then what the hell does she think of me with my cottage cheese thighs and cake tops? (Not muffin tops because that sounds cute. Cake. Because there is nothing remotely cute about trying to dress cake-tops).

Then she’ll turn around and say; "you look really hot!!" And "wow you look amazing!". And you think…. Well if you think you look horrible then what do you really think of me? 

We’ve all had it. My advice?? Don’t freaking shop with them. Simple as. Or you could sit this friend down discuss their obvious self-image issues and point out that when they call themselves hideous around us when we weigh about 7 more stone than they do we feel like absolute shit.
Don’t ever judge your own beauty and worth based on someone else. How they see themselves has nothing at all to do with you. The only thing that matters is how you see yourself. Understandably its so easy to say, but so hard to do were constantly bombarded with images of how we should look and what we should aspire to. If they have allowed themselves to be led like sheep down a dangerous path of discontentment, let them. Be strong. Make up your own mind and accept whoever you are and Just be... Your way xxx

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