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New Years Big Idea

7 January 2016

New Years' Resolutions. You know what I'm talking about. That eagerly spouted lie we tell ourselves and other people, in the desperate hope that one of us will believe it and suddenly decide to make a change that results in riches, fame and often times love.

One statistic I saw said that only 8 percent of people keep their new years resolutions, which would suggest that most of us will be broke, unknown and alone by the end of 2016.

And fat. Most of us will be fat.

Because as you know one of the most common resolutions involves loosing weight, getting fit or becoming more healthy. As if the change in year will miraculously result in all that motivation you failed to muster have for the previous 12 months.

I'm sure you can tell from this post already, I don't put much stock in new years resolutions. Why you might ask?

Because if I wasn't willing to finish a 15 hour shift, go home, get into some unflattering exercise clothes and then sweat my bodyweight in sweat for 2 hours running on a blooming death machine (A.K.A treadmill) for the last 365 days, what about January the first is going to make a difference? What on Earth is so magical about the new year?
What's more likely to happen is you wake up from that massive hangover you acquired the night before, peel the kebab wrapping off of your face and curse your friends for forcing you to have 'fun', then abandoning you in the toilets of McDonald's.

Now don't get me wrong I, of course, do see the value of resolutions, they can oftentimes give us just that extra little bit of motivation we need.
I just don't see any value in specifying them for new years. I think people are often pressured into them, you're constantly being bombarded with 'the question'
"What's your resolution for the new year?"
Its almost as if you have no ambition for yourself if you don't.

Obviously that a bunch of horse crap.

Here's my advice.

Don't bother. Leave the New Years resolutions for the baby vegans and fledgling cross fitters . Instead wait until February 16th to begin your resolutions to get fit and loose weight.

Why? Because that way you can indulge yourself by buying all that on sale valentines day chocolate and eating it alone with pizza and a whole bottle of wine. THEN make those resolutions and do your thing!!!

You're welcome. So happy New Years everyone and Just Be...Your way xxx

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