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Shopping with the ‘Encouraging Friend’

14 January 2016

We all have THAT do-good friend, the one that’s always suggesting we take a lovely loooong sweaty bike-ride. Or kindly offering to go for a run with us “ANY time!”.
I had a friend like that (emphasis on the word ‘had.)
One time I was shopping with this friend, she’s a size 8 and I’m a size 18 (was an 18 I should say) and we’re trying on clothes.
As you do.
Now I’m not one of those women who try and squeeze themselves into a smaller size, just so that the tag in the back of her clothes shows a smaller number. I dress for my size, and I look damn good doing so.
Anyway...She tries on a blouse in a size 10; it’s too big so she turns to me and says;
“Justice why don’t you try it on, it will probably fit you”.
As I’m sure you can imagine my face looked something along the lines of…

Once again I was required to speak the dreaded 4 words of evil that all curvy girls have had to say far too often.
“That won’t fit me”

Now I'm not going to deny that the options for my fuller figured friends are far more vast than they used to be, 'YOURS' is one brand that has just exploded in the last year.
There are still tonnes of high street brands that don't. Eventually they'll see the beneft in catering to the masses ,( *cough*topshop*cough*), but until they do we'll just have to deal with situations like these. 
Then my friends, this is where it gets worse ( how could it possibly get worse you may rightfully ask) she turns to me, holding the offending item towards me with her skinny arms like a sacrifice and asks with a stupid, kindly, pitying, smile and asks:
“Are you sure?”
The urge to rip one of those skinny arms off and beat her with it surged through me like a bad case of the runs.
Am I Sure??? OH NO I just wear a size, 4 sizes too big because I find it breezy. Of course I’m freaking sure!!! As would anyone be, who actually looked at the size of the shirt and then looked at me.
For anyone who has experienced this problem …My advice? She either;
  1. Says shit like that because she’s not a good friend and is intentionally trying to make you feel bad about yourself. If this is the case? Then ditch her and get away quick like a black guy at a KKK rally. Or,
  2. She’s just stupid. You can’t blame her for being dumb, so just feel sorry for your stupid friends and resolve yourself to basically ignore whatever stupid shit comes out of her mouth.
And lastly my friends just remember.... to Just Be...Your Way xxx

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